Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Creative WriTeen

This summer I taught a creative writing class for my teen patrons. I cleverly called it Creative WriTeen. (I doubt I made that up.) I don't claim to be a master craftser of writing, but I figured I could teach teens a thing or two about writing. Speaking of crafting, this program was way more attended than the craft program I developed. (No takers on gocks this summer.)

Utilizing the SMART Board and online resources, I developed 8 lessons about fiction writing, poetry, screenwriting, and even reviewing. These kids were amazing! They participated in everything. One even emailed a guest author to get advice on his script! They arrive to class with poetry, skits, fantasy stories all written on their own time. And they share.

I definitely learned that if a 13-year-old is stealing time from his/her summer vacay to write a poem or a novella, I can certainly utilize my laptop for more than surfing Petfinder.